Q1: What kind of medicine do you practice?
Weight loss medicine
Q2: How long have you been practicing medicine?
12 yrs
Q3: How long have you been using AppwoRx (Roughly)
6 months
Q4: How do you use photography used in your practice? (IE Marketing, Insurance Pre- Auth / Reimbursement, Expectation Management, Compliance, etc)
Documentation, marketing
Q5: How were you capturing and cataloging your photos prior to AppwoRx?
Randomly. We used Canfield Mirror for a while
Q6: What were some of the pain points of your prior photography solution?
Technique consistency, producing side by side format, actually getting photos into pts chart, identifying photo without compromising privacy
Q7: How has AppwoRx improved your ability to capture, catalog and manage patient photos?
No need to upload, consistent before and after techniques, no external cameras needed