Q1: What kind of medicine do you practice?
Medical Spa
Q2: How long have you been practicing medicine?
24 years
Q3: How long have you been using AppwoRx (Roughly)
1 year
Q4: How do you use photography used in your practice? (IE Marketing, Insurance Pre- Auth / Reimbursement, Expectation Management, Compliance, etc)
Patient education, expectation management, treatment evaluation for us and patient, marketing, medical legal documentation Q5: How were you capturing and cataloging your photos prior to AppwoRx?
Digital camera and then down leading to files on computer.
Q6: What were some of the pain points of your prior photography solution?
It took someone 1.5-2hrs per day to transfer and catalog pictures
Q7: How has AppwoRx improved your ability to capture, catalog and manage patient photos?
1. Cloud and apple base technology makes the picture taking process easy in every room of our practice. More and better pictures are being taken because of universal availability.
2. Time saved +++ because pictures are cataloged and saved at the same time the pictures are taken.
3. Better patient f/u and education as pictures are easy to review, share and compare with patient.