Goodman Vein and Laser Center
Springfield, Massachusetts
Q1: What kind of medicine do you practice?
Q2: How long have you been practicing medicine?
More Than 30 yrs.
Q3: How long have you been using AppwoRx (Roughly)
3 yrs
Q4: How do you use photography used in your practice? (IE Marketing, Insurance Pre- Auth / Reimbursement, Expectation Management, Compliance, etc)
Marketing, Insurance, Compliance, Reimbusement, Expectation Management
Q5: How were you capturing and cataloging your photos prior to AppwoRx?
Camera, downloading, labeling, editing how to reduce weight fast.
Q6: What were some of the pain points of your prior photography solution?
Extremely time consuming.
Q7: How has AppwoRx improved your ability to capture, catalog and manage patient photos?
Totally streamlined the Process. I am a professional photographer and this software is a godsend. The ability ti catalogue, label, crop, edit, compare, create reopts, email, print has been so valuable.