Q1: What kind of medicine do you practice?
General Surgery
Q2: How long have you been practicing medicine?
31 years
Q3: How long have you been using AppwoRx (Roughly)
5 years
Q4: How do you use photography used in your practice? (IE Marketing, Insurance Pre- Auth / Reimbursement, Expectation Management, Compliance, etc)
Marketing & Insurance
Q5: How were you capturing and cataloging your photos prior to AppwoRx?
Office camera. Printing the photos and place them in the patient’s chart.
Q6: What were some of the pain points of your prior photography solution?
Not having a ease way to compare photos
Q7: How has AppwoRx improved your ability to capture, catalog and manage patient photos?
Easy upload of photos into a cloud based storage sevice. Ease of priniting photos if required by an insurance company for pre-approval. Very easy to compare photos done at different times in the treatment process.